Ok guys, I know you are all going to flame me. But this is true, I just signed up for this site a couple days ago because I truly believed PUA is full of shit, and I still think that for the most part it is. But the inner game stuff they taught, "your the shit!" "your a sexy bitch" "Every girl wants you" This all really boosted my confidence, I would walk around like the fuckin man, and look at girls all the time without being scared, I was so fuckin confident. Its when I started talking and following the techniques that I failed and started hating PUA. Now that I blocked all the PUA sites on my computer and I havent been able to access it and read, I cant look at girls anymore and I just feel like my confidence plummeted to level 0. I feel like a loser and as if reading PUA was a drug that kept me going without giving up, it gave me the false validation that if I got rejected by a girl, that it was because I did a technique wrong and not to take it personally, and this really helped my ego. It was almost as if PUA saved my ego and kept me cocky all the time, even though I was a complete fake. Now I feel like I am going no where without it. Once again guys, I know this site is anti pua and that I just made a thread talking about how it ruined my life when i studied it for a year, but now that I think about it, that false validation/placebo was really helpful.
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Yeah, but in the long run it can be even more damaging. You're not going to see different results whether or not you follow PUA since attraction is all based on things outside of your control. The only thing that's taught in PUA that's legit is that getting with women is all a numbers game. You might also benefit from learning to radar for which girls are sluts, but that's about it. There's only so much shit that helps.
Besides, in the off-chance that you ended up getting laid, you would give all the credit to PUA and continue spiraling downward into the community, even further exacerbating the situation.
You can still tell yourself that you're the shit without douche-bags like Tyler telling you that you are. You can also improve your whole life situation by exercising, bathing, eating right, sleeping better, cleaning up your living space, and developing hobbies. I think those things will benefit you more in the long run than watching hours of pickup clips.
Following PUA material isn't going to get you laid. In fact, sex is really just a symptom of relating with a woman, whether short-term or long-term. It really shouldn't be viewed as the end goal, at least in my opinion. Get other aspects of your life handled and you'll find your problems with women pretty much disappear. Unless you want to attract loser women, then you're going to do yourself a much bigger favor in the long run this way.
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Very good answer, I think I am going to focus more on the inner game articles of pick up and forget the techniques, cuz as you said attraction is not in my control.
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False anything is not helpful in life.
You saying that false validation was helpful for a short time, is like saying that Enron's false accounting methods were helpful for a short time, until they were discovered as fake and then they immediately went out of business.
Doing anything fake to attempt a short term help, always turns out to be a waste of time, and you always have to start out at square one again (which is why you're year of studying "fake help" from the seduction community has you back to square one now).